AD naturam niaouli essential oil has very useful properties. It is antiviral, anti-infectious and promotes immunity. In addition, it protects the skin against the rays and improves its resistance, as well as that of the mucous membranes.Native to Australia and New Caledonia, the Niaouli is a tree measuring 4 to 12m but can reach 25m, with very slender and very fragrant evergreen leaves. It presents yellow flowers, long and pointed. The Kanaks tribes (New Caledonia) knew its virtues. They used Niaouli to coat the walls and roofs of buildings and wrapped newborns in Niaouli bark to protect them and give them strength. From the young leaves, they applied an ointment to their wounds which accelerated healing. The bark is still used as a decoction to relieve rheumatic pains, aches and colds. The Niaouli was also used during the First and Second World War to treat wounds.
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