Eladiet offers us the Essential Oil of Sage, essence indicated for female cycles, favoring menstruation. It is also used to help carry out digestion normally and as a pectoral. The oil is often used to improve eyesight and treat related problems such as tired eyes. Clary sage essential oil is added to soaps, detergents, creams, lotions, and perfumes. In addition to treating problems related to eye health, clary sage essential oil is also used to calm the nervous system, especially during periods of stress, depression, and insomnia. If you are new to aromatherapy, we suggest you try this oil to experience its anti-anxiety effects. It also has aphrodisiac effects, since the oil increases libido and can improve sexual performance. It can even help treat psychological problems related to loss of sexual desire and impotence. The essential oil can help relieve headaches, back pain, muscle stiffness, and cramps. It also has a disinfecting effect, as it can be used to clean wounds and can help protect the body from infection. It is a regulator of blood pressure, since it can help reduce blood pressure by relaxing the arteries. Take up to 4 drops, 3 times a day. external: compresses, frctions and rinses. Pregnancy and lactation.
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